Photochromatic lenses

Photochromatic lenses (or photochromic lenses) are lenses which darken when exposed to light. Most lenses rely on UV wavelengths to activate, so outdoors in the lenses darken but indoors and under artificial lighting they don’t react, returning (or remaining clear).

Photochromic glasses are a very popular option, particularly for people with progressive multifocal lenses, as this further increases the function of their glasses making them suitable for more environments and applications.

As most photochromic lens utilizes UV light to darken, certain conditions can lead to the lenses not becoming photochromic sunglasses as quick as you’d like them. This is particularly noticeable inside cars where the windscreen is UV blocking, although side windows normally let the UV in. Certain lenses are available that react to visible light to reduce this problem.

As such, there have been many different brands of photochromic sunglasses (or lenses):

These types of coatings (sometimes called multi-coating) are similar to those used on camera lenses. Again, there are a number of choices of coatings available, with some of the newer options being much easier to keep clean and are highly scratch resistant.

At Personal Eyes Optometry, we source our multicoated lenses from Carl Zeiss Rodenstock, Hoya, Nikon, and Essilor. The worlds leading lens manufacturers:

For those in industry or hazardous environments, photochromic safety glasses are also available. Again this increases the usefulness of your safety glasses, meaning they are more likely to be worn more often and longer, therefore protecting the eyes for longer each day.

Transitions lenses particularly have been embraced by many different lens manufacturers and are available in a wide range of lens designs and materials.

You are also able to claim against your private health insurance for prescription photochromatic lenses, making your versatile lens choice even more affordable.